im Erscheinen: Ludmila Veselovská: Wh-questions: A case study in Czech. Olomouc: Palacký University, 2021. In: Journal of Slavic Linguistics 32.1.
2020: Agnes Jäger, Vergleichskonstruktionen im Deutschen. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018. In: Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur (PBB) 142.2. 267–305. [link]
2016: Theresa Biberauer & George Walkden (eds.), Syntax over time: Lexical, morphological, and information-structural interactions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. In: Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur (PBB) 138.2. [link]
2016: Katalin É. Kiss, Balázs Surányi & Éva Dékány (eds.), Approaches to Hungarian 14: Papers from the 2013 Piliscsaba Conference. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2015. In: Finno-Ugric Languages and Linguistics 4.1–2. 41–56. [link]
2016: Farrell Ackerman & Irina Nikolaeva, Descriptive typology and linguistic theory: A study in the morphosyntax of relative clauses. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications, 2013. In: Acta Linguistica Hungarica 63.1. 97–112. [link]
Evolutionary Linguistic Theory (2024) [link]
Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics (2023, 2024) [link]
Glossa: a journal of general linguistics (2019, 2024) [link]
Research in Corpus Linguistics (2024) [link]
Open Linguistics (2022: 2x) [link]
Journal of Historical Syntax (2020, 2022: 2x) [link]
Linguistic Variation (2022) [link]
Studia Linguistica (2020) [link]
Natural Languages and Linguistic Theory (2019) [link]
The Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics (2018) [link]
Finno-Ugric Languages and Linguistics (2018) [link]
Canadian Journal of Linguistics/Revue canadienne de linguistique (2017) [link]
Acta Linguistica Hungarica (2016: 2x) [link]
Handbook of the syntax of Germanic languages, Hgg. Susanne Wurmbrand, Johannes Mursell & Katharina Hartmann. Berlin: De Gruyter.
The role of pragmatics in cyclic language change, Hgg. Maj-Britt Mosegaard Hansen & Richard Waltereit. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Verb-Zweit und Verb-Dritt in den germanischen Sprachen, Hgg. Pierre-Yves Modicom & Sarah Harchaoui. Berlin: Language Science Press
intern: Ángel J. Gallego & Dennis Ott (Hgg.) Cartography and explanatory adequacy. Oxford: Oxford University Press (2024). [link]
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Augustin Speyer & Jenny Diener (Hgg.) Syntax aus Saarbrücker Sicht 5: Beiträge der SaRDiS-Tagung zur Dialektsyntax. Stuttgart: Steiner (2023). [link]
intern: Nicholas Catasso, Marco Coniglio & Chiara De Bastiani (Hgg.) Language change at the interfaces: Intrasentential and intersentential phenomena. Amsterdam: John Benjamins (2022). [link]
Ulrike Freywald, Horst Simon & Stefan Müller (Hgg.) Headedness and/or grammatical anarchy? Berlin: Language Science Press (2022). [link]
intern: Mailin Antomo & Sonja Müller (Hgg.) Non-canonical verb positioning in main clauses. Hamburg: Helmut Buske Verlag (2018). [link]
Jeroen van Craenenbroeck & Tanja Temmerman (Hgg.) The Oxford handbook of ellipsis. Oxford: Oxford University Press (2018). [link]
Ulrike Demske & Łukasz Jędrzejowski (Hgg.) Infinitives at the Syntax-Semantics Interface: A diachronic perspective. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter (2017). [link]
GLOW 2025 – 47th Generative Linguistics in the Old World, Frankfurt & Göttingen, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt & Georg-August-Universität Göttingen [link]
55th Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 55), New Haven, CT, Yale University [link]
25th Diachronic Generative Syntax Conference (DiGS25), Mannheim, Universität Mannheim [link]
60th Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS 60), Chicago, University of Chicago (2024) [link]
54th Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 54), Cambridge, MA, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2023) [link]
24th Diachronic Generative Syntax Conference (DiGS 24), Paris, Université Paris Cité (2023) [link]
59th Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS 59), Chicago, University of Chicago (2023) [link]
53rd Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 53), Göttingen, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (2022) [link]
58th Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS 58), Chicago, University of Chicago (2022) [link]
23rd Diachronic Generative Syntax Conference (DiGS 23), New York, New York University (2022) [link]
52nd Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 52), New Brunswick NJ, Rutgers University (2021) [link]
57th Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS 57), Chicago, University of Chicago (2021) [link]
51st Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 51), Montreal, Université du Québec à Montréal (2020) [link]
56th Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS 56), Chicago, University of Chicago (2020) [link]
22nd Diachronic Generative Syntax Conference (DiGS 22), Konstanz, Universität Konstanz (2020) [link]
50th Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 50), Cambridge, MA, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2019) [link]
International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian 14 (ICSH 14), Potsdam, University of Potsdam (2019) [link]
55th Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS 55), Chicago, University of Chicago (2019) [link]
21st Diachronic Generative Syntax Conference (DiGS 21), Tempe, AZ, Arizona State University (2019) [link]
The 93rd Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA 2019), New York City, NY (2018) [link]
49th Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 49), Ithaca, NY, Cornell University (2018) [link]
Theoretical and Empirical Approaches to Microvariation (TEAM 2018), Padua, University of Padua (2018) [link]
54th Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS 54), Chicago, University of Chicago (2018) [link]
48th Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 48), Reykjavík, University of Iceland (2017) [link]
19th Diachronic Generative Syntax Conference (DiGS 19), Cape, Stellenbosch University & the University of the Western Cape (2017) [link]
17th Diachronic Generative Syntax Conference (DiGS 17), Reykjavík, University of Iceland (2015)
Second Central European Conference in Linguistics for postgraduate Students (CECIL’S 2), Piliscsaba, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Department of Theoretical Linguistics (2013)
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO) [Dutch Research Council]
Czech Science Foundation (GACR)